The Republic of Alduria

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Sub Forums:

  1. General Archives of the Republic of Alduria (1669-1685 AN)
    1. Alduria
      1. The Aldurian States
        1. Alcalá
        2. Aldurian Capital District
        3. Altus
        4. Asuara
        5. Biscarrosse
        6. Carrillo
        7. Compostela
        8. Mondego
        9. Murcia
        10. Napoléon
        11. Nouradin
        12. Saint Ignace
        13. Rothborne
        14. Valoria
        15. Valenciana
        16. Valladares
      2. Autonomous States of Alduria
        1. Baatharzi Autonomous State
        2. Ladino Autonomous State
    2. Community and Administration
      1. Join Alduria Here!
      2. The Golden Sun Inn
        1. Meta / Administrative Announcements
        2. Aldurian Sports
      3. Aldurian Discord Server
    3. Life in Alduria
      1. The Aldurian Press
        1. Polling Updates
        2. National Aldurian Broadcasting Corporation
      2. Beaulieu Park
        1. National Elections Commission
          1. General Election of 1672 AN
          2. General Election of 1678 AN
          3. Parliamentary Election of 1682 AN
        2. Ceremonies and Inaugurations
        3. Graded Press Actions
      3. Campos Business District
        1. Trade Bank of Alduria
        2. Aldurian Oil Company
        3. Kerularios & Co.
        4. Velez Ventures
        5. Aldurian Airlines
    4. Government District, Punta Santiago
      1. 473 Cleveland Lane - The Executive Mansion
        1. Signed Legislation
        2. The National Presidential Archives
      2. 21 North Carriage St. - Government House
      3. The Executive Ministries of the Aldurian Government
        1. Department of State
          1. Treaty Depository
        2. Department of Finance and Commerce
          1. Bank of Alduria
        3. Department of Defense
        4. Department of Justice
        5. Department of Interior
          1. Office of National Infrastructure and Public Works
          2. Office of the Aldurian Civil Service
      4. The Aldurian Register
    5. Palace of Parliament, Punta Santiago
      1. The Parliament of Alduria
        1. Office of the Speaker
        2. The Hopper
          1. Hopper Archives
      2. Library of Parliament
        1. Passed Legislation
        2. Failed Legislation
        3. Passed Motions
        4. Failed Motions
    6. House of Justice, Punta Santiago
      1. Supreme Court of Alduria
  2. General Archives of the Wechua Nation (1673-1675 AN)
    1. Chinchero Palace
      1. The Wechua Journal
    2. Querococha House
    3. High Court of Justice
    4. The Council of the Wechua Nation
    5. Wechua Institute of Culture