The Republic of Alduria

Full Version: Press Cycle: Taxation Free Small Business Act, 1684
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The Zimmer government has introduced a bill that aims to exempt small businesses, defined as companies with 75 employees or less, from the corporation tax.

This thread is for comments to the public or the press on the Taxation Free Small Business Act, 1684.
I'm pleased that the Prime Minister has decided to step back from the extreme wing of his party and realize that businesses are allies to workers--not the enemy. I'm proud to announce that the L&D party will support this bill. 

While the core of this bill is a good one, I informed the Prime Minister that the L&D party will be moving several amendments to make this bill better. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister did not incorporate many of our proposed changes into the bill submitted to Parliament--but I look forward to the opportunity to test the will of Parliament on making a good bill much better and I'm grateful to him for incorporating some of our suggestions into the final draft.

The L&D party recognizes that small businesses often have more than 75 employees--particularly restaurant chains with multiple locations in a given region or family owned franchises. I also have grave concerns about exempting health care from these benefits. A large majority of healthcare providers are small businesses that employee a small team of doctors, nurses, dental hygienists, and receptionists. These places are pillars of community health and also provide essential employment to their communities. I am saddened that the Prime Minister did not adopt my proposed exemption for the Healthcare System in our talks--but I look forward to Parliament having a final say on this issue.

Even in opposition, the Liberty & Democracy Party will continue leading the way to ensure that our economy and our communities are served well by this Parliament. I look forward to supporting this bill--and I look forward to L&D continuing to lead the way to supporting small businesses by tabling vital amendments to this bill which I hope will be adopted by Parliament.
The Aldurian National Alliance welcomes this bill, a signal from this government that we will ensure that our economic engine, small businesses, are adequately supported.

Through hard work and talent, small business owners have grown and created opportunity for Aldurians from coast to coast, contributing millions of private-sector jobs.

Dreams do not often materialize easily. It takes persistence, determination, and the ability to bounce back quickly from failure. Yet every day, small business owners across Alduria defy the odds -- never giving up, trusting their instincts, and following their dreams relentlessly. And we are all better for it.