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[1682] Party Manifesto
Please submit your party's manifesto for the election in this thread.

DSP Manifesto
Marco Zimmer MP
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)
[Image: uBNltXeRQmiqsuLQP9SgOY2PcnEHQdJGWijKIapW...2g9vN_X1uD]


Campaign Platform:

During this campaign, the Liberty and Democracy Party have released a manifesto taking these policy positions:

-Building on our successes during the past 9 years of L&D Government providing strong and stable leadership and making Alduria a better place to live.
-Commitment to expanding free trade with other nations
-Promote projects and initiatives that will help new, small business thrive and encourage a spirit of entrepreneurship
-Work on a public/private partnership for Aldurian oil to help stimulate the economy and gradually move Aldurian Oil to the point where it can operate mostly, if not entirely, privately.
-Building on our significant increase in Defense spending and our investment in the military for the past 9 years, we will continue to support and build up our armed forces to protect our Republic and trade routes and emerge victorious in the ongoing war.
-Avoid unnecessary foreign entanglements that could result in conflicts with other nations. Avoid armed conflicts unless they are directly related to Alduria's security or overriding trade interests (ie, responding to attacks on shipping or close allies)
-After we have achieved victory in the war, we will lower taxes for all citizens and businesses in the Republic significantly putting more money in your pocket that will also stimulate our economy.
-Move more power away from the National Government to provincial and local Governments, particularly when it comes to welfare programs. The National Government would provide funding for local/provincial directed welfare programs that meet the specific needs of that locality/province rather than a "one sized fits all" policy. We tout our successes in this regard through the Local Government Act.
-Place an emphasis on "Alduria First" when it comes to our foreign relations. We won't close ourselves off from other nations--but we will always make sure that our interests are first in mind. This won't stop us from cooperating with other Governments and certainly won't stop us from signing free trade deals--but we have to look out for Aulduria first!
-Use money from privatizing oil to build needed infrastructure in areas that aren't strong economically. In economically strong areas, partner with the private sector to pool resources for infrastructure building. This mutually beneficial arrangement will save the taxpayers money and help businesses by providing infrastructure support to areas that can directly help their businesses too.
-Respect the total separation of Church and State and push back against any legislation that would seek to legislate morality or infringe on people's religious liberties.
-Continue to support the development of Biscarrose and Napoléon by private businesses
-Promote, support, and respect the privacy and liberty of all citizens. Oppose all legislation that infringes on these liberties. We tout our successes in enshrining these liberties in the Constitution.
-Promote an open immigration policy and particularly encourage the immigration of skilled workers. Promote programs that help immigrants integrate into Aldurian society.
-Provide tax credits to families so they can grow and prosper without government interference.
-Strongly support and expand settling corporations and ease the requirements for creating such a corporation.
-Invest in medical advancements and create a business-positive atmosphere to attract medical companies to come to and invest in Alduria to help our healthcare system.
-Support a vibrant private insurance industry that is suitably regulated. Ensure greater competition between insurance companies to make costs competitive. Move social safety net programs to provincial levels to better meet the unique needs of their citizens with funding provided by the national government.
-Allow provinces greater autonomy, particularly in the areas of taxation, education, and infrastructure.
-Support freedoms for all people regardless of sex, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Oppose any laws that infringe on these freedoms. We tout our successes in enshrining these rights into the Constitution and our success in marriage equality. We also note our success in opposing the Bathroom Bill in the last Parliament.
-Continue to promote the enrichment of Aldurian culture, touting our successes in a myriad of bills we passed during the 9 years
-Continue to provide for access to safe and plentiful sources of water. 
-Increased powers and devolution for the Baatharzi Autonomous Region so that citizens in the region can have a greater say over their self-governance.
-Increased devolution to the new provinces that have joined as a result of Aldrian expansion.
-Increased assistance to farmers to help develop sustainable food for the Republic and for trade throughout Micras.
Alfonso Velez, MP
Liberty and Democracy Party
Leader of the Opposition
CEO of 4Hire and Velez Investments
Former Prime Minister of The Republic of Alduria (1672-1682)
[Image: wefwEFq.png]
[Image: LAnS5Ab.png]
My fellow Aldurians,

I send the warmest regards, from my family and me, to every Aldurian. Every election gives all of us an opportunity to ponder what kind of country we want, and who can lead to make that vision real.

The opportunity is here to steer the ship of state, to bring leadership to Punta Santiago that will lead Alduria to a new period of strength, unity, and prosperity.

The Aldurian National Alliance is the party to steer Alduria to a better direction. We will fight for you in Parliament to make health care affordable and accessible, create a top-notch education system for our children, and ensure that our military is the best equipped, best trained, and best supported.

Our party believes that Alduria’s best days are still ahead of us. Our country is young and vibrant, and with this election, we have an opportunity to create a better government and build a better, more prosperous society.

I commend to you our party’s platform, with a myriad of plans and solutions to shape a new national vision, a new national future.

For a future you can believe in – vote for the prosperity party, vote for the Aldurian National Alliance.

Thank you,
[Image: EvP23Jt.png]


The Verionian-Raspur War has brought the unstable international order to the forefront concern of the country. It is important now, more than ever, that we have a military that is well-funded, well-trained, and well-led. For us to be strong and be a good partner to our friends and allies, we need to take immediate action to secure our country.

The ANA will:
  • Work with military officials and Parliament to increase defense spending, expand our military capacity, and modernize its capabilities;
  • Empower the Secretary of Defense and our military commanders to make decisions, seize the initiative, and win without micromanagement from Punta Santiago;
  • Create two new branches of the Aldurian military: the Strategic Force, for space, and the Cyber Force, for cybersecurity, to ensure our nation is safer in new frontiers that are not currently part of our national security strategies;
  • Reject and fight foreign colonial expansionism in our home continent and work with Euran nations to create a secure and stable future for our Euran community and prevent ensnaring Alduria into a state of permanent economic vassalage;
  • Establish an official policy for the use of force, setting it as our last resort, not our first, to be used only to defend our vital interests, when the objective is clear and achievable, and with the informed consent of the Aldurian people;
  • Build a modern, agile Department of State by investing and creating the finest diplomatic corps in the world and leveraging the full talent and richness of our country's diversity;
  • Strengthen cooperation with democratic partners in the Raspur Pact and beyond, and reaching out to our partners in Eura to fortify our collective capabilities while integrating our allies in Benacia and Keltia.


We know businesses are at the heart of a successful economy. That’s why we will continue to back businesses with lower taxes, better infrastructure, and new trade deals around the world to make people better off here at home. The ANA will implement policies to create more higher-paying jobs, fund spending on our shared priorities and get Alduria on the road to a brighter future.

The ANA will:
  • Create a National Skills Fund for Aldurian citizens, alongside other major national investment in skills, professional development, and training and our reforms to high-skilled immigration, to help ensure that businesses in Alduria can find and hire the workers they need;
  • Strike the right regulatory balance between supporting excellent business practice and protecting workers, consumers, and the environment;
  • Establish a low corporate tax for Alduria, to attract talent, investment, and economic growth;
  • Establish a National Childcare Fund for Aldurian citizens, to help create more high quality, affordable childcare, including before and after school and during school holidays.


One of the pressing issues before us in this election is the brewing education crisis in this country. We're missing a key opportunity to establish a national education system that guarantees every child receives an education that can equip them to support themselves, their families, and their communities. 

The ANA will:
  • Build a national education system that provides compulsory elementary and secondary education to all Aldurians for free up to age 18;
  • Create a National Higher Education Grant for all Aldurian citizens to attend a college, university, trade school, or specialized career school;
  • Freeze tuition on all public higher education institutions;
  • Invest in building the proper infrastructure and facilities to support an advanced education system, including books and materials for students;
  • Create teacher and educational recruitment programs to find teachers, school administrators, and educational experts and ensure that they undergo proper training and are paid well to ensure retention;
  • Designate educational resources for support and inclusion for children with disabilities, and promote a culture in schools of respect and duty;
  • Give the national education system high importance as an effective way to provide children and families with assistance outside of schools, such as ensure each student a free breakfast, a free lunch, and provide access to extracurricular after school activities to further their education;
  • Establish a basic national curriculum that takes into account the economic needs of the country.


The ANA wants to make sure there is universal, affordable health care coverage for all Aldurians, but the ANA also believes that the choice of service should be on patients and their families. Our plan will promote a variety of healthcare options, all based on individual needs, including public, private for-profit, and private not-for-profit choices.

The ANA will:
  • Control the cost of life-saving prescription drugs, through negotiating drug prices, using international reference pricing, forced licensing, public manufacturing facilities, and importation;
  • Invest in technologies to finally make health services function efficiently and reduce waste by utilizing modernized services like telehealth and assistive technology;
  • Establish a national healthcare system called AlduCare that will provide a buy-in option for Aldurians who cannot afford private insurance to obtain comprehensive healthcare and regulate the private market to encourage competition and bend the cost curve of healthcare down;
  • Change the incentive structure by offering flexibility to health care providers, prioritizing patients over paperwork, and increasing the supply of practitioners;
  • Respect the sanctity of human life by respecting the ban on the death penalty and by making abortion illegal except in cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother;
  • Ensure crucial aspects of wellbeing, including mental health, care for people with disabilities, maternal care, dental, and vision are addressed and integrated into comprehensive care by all public, private for-profit, and private not-for-profit health care providers.


The ANA believes that the government should be a careful and prudent steward of the national treasury. We understand that the taxes and fees that go into the national treasury are money that should be spent wisely and effectively to serve the people. The ANA has a plan to make sure that our tax policies encourage growth, can fund our national programs, and foster national unity.

The ANA will:
  • Implement a system whereby taxpayers can opt-in to a program to have their taxes filed automatically and electronically;
  • Instruct our government to prepare a report on national spending, and send each taxpayer a rundown of the actual amount of their taxes that went to each major spending area (e.g., domestic programs, foreign aid, military, etc), and allow each taxpayer to select a project for 1% of their taxes to go to;
  • Implement a Value-Added Tax at 10% to fund health care and education, varying based on the good to which it's applied, with staples such as food, medicine, and clothing being excluded, with luxury goods having a higher rate;
  • Implement a flat-rate Income Tax with a standard tax exemption to implement a negative income tax in Alduria that will deliver direct relief to Aldurians who make below 30,000 ecus a year, creating a basic income guarantee.


The ANA supports the individual right to defend oneself and to carry arms, as protected and guaranteed in the Constitution. The ANA will protect your right to own and operate a gun for hunting and for self-defense. But we must also make common-sense reforms to ensure that guns never fall in the hands of criminals and murderers.

The ANA will:
  • Implement and fund a series of national voluntary weapon buyback programs, funded with a starting seed provided by the national government but increasing based on the success of the programs;
  • Ban anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness from being allowed to obtain a gun;
  • Invest heavily in law enforcement training to de-escalate situations involving firearms and provide funding to programs that involve mental health professionals in de-escalation situations;
  • Require that all gun sales in Aluria are registered with the government and that gun retailers obtain a special gun-sale license, renewable every 5 years;
  • Require every gun buyer to pass a criminal background check.


The ANA believes that Alduria is a nation of immigrants. Our nation benefits from immigration and there's no better place for Micras' talent to come to start a business, form a family, and create a prosperous life for themselves. However, we need to make sure that the economic interests of Alduria come first and that our borders are protected. We are all Aldurians, one united nation, and our immigration policy should reflect that.

The ANA will:
  • Invest in the Aldurian Border Guard to hire more full-time members to patrol and secure the border;
  • Build a state of the art national border monitoring system that is modern and technologically advanced to prevent illegal border crossings and ensure border communities are safe;
  • End unlimited migration and instead establish a skills-and-assimilation-based immigration system that prioritizes talent, ability, and special circumstances, with total and country-based quotas to cap the number of new entries;
  • Narrow the Law of Graces to former Alexandrian and Caputian citizens only. 


Our party believes that our society is important and must be strengthened by the values that Aldurians hold dear and near to their hearts. We reject the morally-relativistic ideas of others to embrace a greater role for families, for parents, for churches, and for communities.

The ANA will:
  • Enact policies that are aimed at protecting the sanctity of life and fostering a culture that values life by outlaw abortion except in special cases and keep the death penalty illegal;
  • Deliver on a bathroom bill that will protect children and women in public restrooms and medical facilities;
  • Oppose the erosion of the sanctity of marriage and define marriage as the union of one man and one woman;
  • Criminalize marijuana and oppose all legalization of drugs, while imposing sin taxes on alcohol, tobacco, gambling, pornography, and other legal antisocial substances;
  • Include in national health care policy a wide array of private, public, and not-for-profit options for the full and comprehensive rehabilitation and medical care for addicts across the country;
  • Protect and improve public services as fundamental to the well-being of our nation, in a mixed economy that offers good and accessible public, private, and not-for-profit options and providers.
  • Seek greater transparency in our campaign finance system so money, foreign and domestic, won’t pollute our politics;
  • Institute strict conflict-of-interest and anti-corruption policies across the national government, Parliament, and other public institutions;
  • Revitalize our national commitment to advancing human rights and democracy around the world.


The ANA believes that the first line of order and security for our communities is its first responders: police, fire, and emergency medical personnel. That is why we believe that any solution to fighting crime must involve their welfare, security, and professional development. The ANA commits itself to hire 20,000 new first responders, devoting 50% of that amount to rural Aldurian communities specifically. The ANA will make our streets safer so that the law-abiding majority can live their lives free of the fear of crime.

The ANA will:
  • Hire 20,000 more first responder personnel, devoting half of the amount to Aldurian rural communities;
  • Establishing a National Policing Board to establish national standards of accountability for law enforcement and administer a recurring national recruitment campaign for police officers;
  • Empower police officers with enhanced powers, including stop-and-search, as part of our efforts to crack down on violent crime;
  • Equip police with the tools they need to keep themselves and all of us safe, including body armor, tasers, and body cameras;
  • Build new modern, efficient prisons to better reform criminals, providing them with opportunity for rehabilitation and personal improvement, and keep the public safe.
Soraya Hoseini
Aldurian National Alliance
MP from the Baatharzi Autonomous Region
(Previously played: Robert Beaumont until May 12, 2020)
I copied and pasted the manifesto from the document into here - I prefer posts to be made on here so that I can track changes. Sadly, I can't do that with Google Docs.

(04-04-2020, 06:47 PM)DimDejan06 Wrote:

DSP Manifesto

DSP Manifesto

Quote:This election is about your future, your children’s future and standard of living. And the DSP is the best chance at a bright future. The DSP is here to stand up for you, to have your back and make a better Society. There have been many failings of this government, from income inequality to not doing enough to prevent an imminent education crisis, this government has not worked for the people, but the DSP will. It already introduced the National Minimum Wage, but with a majority we can do so much more to work for you.

Poverty is not inevitable. Things can, and they will, change for the better, in a society that works For the Many, Not the Few.


There is an education crisis brewing, and the L&D are not taking action. The DSP will now fight for your children’s education with a long term plan to protect our education system and enlighten the children of our country.

Our government’s school system will have a curriculum that has a national framework but local governments will be able to adjust so that it is a personalised education for your child, not a ‘one size fits all approach’.

We will have a system that is basic but will help children grow and develop. Our system will be completely free and publicly owned, so it’s a stable system that the government know works. It will be divided into 6 Key Stages of Education which will have a couple of year groups in each.

It will be structured like this:

Free Nursery System aged 1-4

Primary School
Key Stage 1
Aged 4 go to Foundation
Aged 5 go to Year 1
Aged 6 go to year 2

Key Stage 2
Aged 7 go to year 3
Aged 8 go to year 4
Aged 9 go year 5
Aged 10 go years 6 (Do SATs test)

High School
Key Stage 3
Aged 11 go to year 7
Aged 12 go to year 8
Aged 13 go to year 9

Key Stage 4
Aged 14 go to year 10
Aged 15 got to year 11 (Do GCSE test)

Key Stage 5 (Optional)
6th Form
Aged 16 go to year 12
Aged 17 go to year 13 (Do A Level test)


Get an Apprenticeship

Key Stage 6 (Optional)

Go to University, ran by local governments, free for all


Health should be free, that is our basic ideology. Health Care should be Free at the Point of use, available for anyone when needed and Health Care should be of the Highest Quality. And with the DSP, this can become a reality.

The Current Health Care system is a mix of privatisation and charity. The L&D don’t provide stability. They don’t stop a problem before it becomes a problem, they only act just at the end to score points and make it seem like a miraculous recovery by the government. That is putting you at risk and we will not allow it. 

We will make sure that the Health Care equipment is up to date and that we can provide the highest quality service for you. The DSP will also create a Health & Social Care Minister so that there will be a more specific government position to help improve the Health Care situation in our country

Foreign Policy

With the ongoing threat to people’s safety from the rival USSO and Raspur Pact, we must make sure we are capable of self defence.

In government we would increase defence funding to maintain a strong army, armed with the most up to date equipment and a Navy and Air Force that can defend Alduria in times of conflict.

But we also pledge to always look for a diplomatic solution first and only use war as a last resort. We will also introduce the War Powers act, something we had rejected by the L&D which would mean that Parliament will decide on military actions but the President could order immediate emergency actions to be taken until Parliament makes a decision if there is deemed to be a significant danger to the people of Alduria, your safety is our priority. We will always do what is best for you.


The current unemployment levels in Alduria are at 8%. This needs to be dealt with and getting more people into work. We must do this by making sure working conditions are up to standard and there is a worker’s rights bill and that worker’s rights are not being infringed.

The DSP will stand up to the big bosses as well as tackling income inequality around Alduria by investing in every part of our country so that everyone in all parts of Alduria can get the best chance in life, not just the very rich in Punta Santiago.

The DSP will also raise income tax on people with above average income as well as creating a corporation tax for big businesses but not for small business who will be tax free.

The DSP will also put a cap of 15:1 ratio of CEO:Worker pay and bonuses which will make it a more level playing field for the workers and improve income for the workers.

Our government will also found the ‘Workers Protection Agency’ and will pass the Workers Bill of Rights with harsh punishment to the bad bosses who go against them.


The environment is a huge topic that needs discussion as well. We need to put our environment as a top priority and we will in government. For too long the environment hasn’t been near the top of the priority list but this must change.

In government we will support the environment by clearing waste sites, planting more trees, supporting agricultural, ensuring there isn’t another water contamination crisis and building more onshore and offshore wind farms as well as solar panels for major cities and towns. We will make sure Water, Gas, Oil and Electricity are, and will always be, in public ownership.


Our nation is growing at a rapid pace, and we will encourage that. But currently the government isn’t doing enough to keep up in a lot of sectors. One of those is housing. 

We will need between 727,000 and 1,000,000 to be built over the next 10 years to keep up, therefore we will build the 86,350 houses per year needed to make sure that everybody has a home. And for many of them,which it is deemed effective, we will also add solar panels so that these homes are also environmentally friendly.

We will also introduce a Rent Cap that will be selected on a case by case basis by the ‘Fair Rent Association’ which we will found. It will be there to make sure that tenants rights are being upheld and will keep a ‘rogue Landlords’ register for likely renters to be able to view before they rent a house from a Landlord. The ‘Rogue Landlords’ register will track Landlords who have a history of infringing the rights of tenants.


Since we are a new nation, our transportation system is also flawed but this should be priority that we get it organised. It is of the utmost importance that we have a nation that is fully connected.

Therefore, in government we will invest the €48 Billion needed to build a National Highway System that connects all parts of our nation over a 10 year Period, €4.8 Billion a year.

Reducing Crime

Our policing system is important in keeping everyone safe, we will make sure that the Police is fully funded and can protect you.

We will invest as much as requested to the local governments to make sure that our policing system is up to standard as well as investing in anti-terrorism forces so that terrorist attacks are snuffed out before any atrocities can take place.

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