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TV Debate Questions

One of the things our nation prides itself on is our diversity. We should encourage people to show their differences and be who they are and protect people of all race from hate and racism, we must let people be themselves. Our nation was founded as a safe haven for stateless people, we must protect all minorities and encourage diversity in our society. Let people be who they are no matter their race, gender, sexuality or anything else. You can’t tell people that being something is wrong, you can’t say that ‘your race is wrong’ or ‘your sexuality is wrong.’ Encourage people to be themselves on a road to make a happier Alduria. One that works for all.


Alduria, first and foremost, must remain neutral. We cannot interfere in wars that would put our people at risk, but we must protect ourselves by building a strong military and looking after our interests first, and it’s in our best interest to not get involved in conflicts that could put our national safety at risk. It would be catastrophic to get involved in needless violence that results in nothing but suffering and pain. We must maintain peace and protect ourselves with strong military and protecting the nations trade routs with other countries


The Law of Graces is what our nation is build on, to be a safe haven for all. And it has worked. Our young country is thriving and yet the far right want to close our borders which would stop high skilled immigrants supporting our economy, families joining our communities and adding diversity to our nation and building a better future for themselves, their descendants and our nation. The Law of Graces must be protect so that we can continue to build a stronger, fairer and happier Alduria.


Whilst I believe in protecting the Law of Graces strongly, I also believe we must protect ourselves from potentially dangerous individuals. We must welcome migrants but not let anyone who endangers our society to infiltrate our nation. There must be some limits of course to keep us safe but we must still welcome migrants with open arms.


As previously stated, migrants have helped our nation to flourish and our economy to grow. We are a nation built of migrants and people torn apart by conflict, now united in our passion for our nation. Migrants bring new skill and culture to our nation to increase diversity. Migrants have built our country and enrich us. Food, culture, skill all enters with migrants and a life story as well as a future to build a better Alduria.


I believe Alduria needs a health care system free at the point of use for all people in need of treatment, health is a right and should be free and if elected as the largest party in the future, that is what we will deliver. A National Health Service for all citizens that provides treatment and care for those in need, but it would take a toll on our economy to add extras that aren’t needed. It will be only for care and treatment. Things that you want but don’t need can’t be free.


I am completely opposed to the privatisation of one of our biggest economic assets, we must keep Gas and Oil in public ownership as well as other services such as electricity should also be moved to public ownership. Privatisation means less control, less control mean less safety, less safety is dangerous. Only the government can be trusted with these most important assets.


I think technology can help build a better Alduria but we cannot replace the working person for a robot. Workers rights must be the first priority when talking about the workplace. Their rights come before anything else. That is what we stand for, protecting the people who make Alduria the nation it is and build a better future for us all. The workers rights must come first.


I believe in equal rights no matter your sexuality, gender or religion and fully support same-sex marriage. People don’t control who they are but have the right to be happy. Homosexuals are like everyone else. They are no different and shouldn’t be treated as different. We must ensure equal rights for everyone, you don’t choose who you are so you shouldn’t be excluded for what you are.


I think it is important that we build a strong military to defend ourselves and our interests but do not get involved in conflicts that endanger our people and our economy. What is there to gain from war? We must maintain a neutral stance and protect our interests, people and economy from needless conflict and violence and hopefully one day there will be no more wars.


I believe in a large scale publicly owned National Education Service so that no child is excluded from any area of education. All should be able to have free education with the option for private available. We shouldn’t limit ourselves to just publicly owned services and protect free will but make sure that no one is excluded from higher education. From Nursery to University.


We must play an active role in the intern community to make sure our nation is safe from conflict and bringing in trade to our economy to grow and build. Our young economy is currently fragile but integration with our neighbours will help make us stronger. Military Alliances and close relations with other nations will also protect us from conflicts and protect us from needless war.


To help business and our economy prosper we will protect the Law of Graces to allow high skilled workers to enter our country and add something new into the workplace. New skills and more workers can only be a good thing, more people taking up vacant jobs and bringing skills into Alduria. Another thing we would do make sure small businesses do not have to pay any corporation tax and large enterprises only have to pay a small amount which will also encourage more businesses to come and set up in Alduria creating more jobs in the nation. Together we can and will build a stronger economy and help businesses to prosper in our great nation.


It is a huge failing of the L&D that there is such inequality between Punta Santiago and the rest of Alduria. The capital is 60% richer than the rest of Alduria. The last government left those places behind and in this coalition we will make sure things like this do not happen again. It was and is unacceptable that only our capital has really been invested in when the governments job is to protect and help the whole country be the best it can. And while large enterprises thrive, not a lot of that money is being given back to the people who create the wealth, the workers. That is why we are going to create a national minimum wage which will rise to a living wage so that the workers get a fair deal, they create the wealth, they should get the benefits of it. And to encourage business to pay a living wage we will give tax cuts to businesses that pay the workers their fair share


Despite disagreeing on a lot of things, this coalition is the best thing for the nation right now, we have set common goals that we believe will create a stronger Alduria but we will also hold the L&D accountable and make sure that what they do is in the best interests of our nation or we will not approve. For now, this is the nations best option, the best chance at a better future that creates a nation working for every Aldurian.


We are looking to achieve social justice and a fair Alduria and make sure that every bill that goes through our Parliament is good for the nation. We are looking to combat the inequality of development, make sure workers rights are protected and build a strong economy where businesses can thrive. This is what we where elected to do, to build a fairer, socialist Alduria and that is what we will do.


We must make sure that nothing like this happens again and ensure the safety of water which is vital. The government succeeded in dealing with the water crisis but we need to make sure that we always have a plan for the extreme. We must expect the unexpected and have clear plans for everything that could endanger our people and business. But with privatisation of water, the government would be at the demands of the water companies. Nationalisation is the best thing so that the government can safe guard all the important supplies and make sure that every citizen is safe.
Marco Zimmer MP
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)

Messages In This Thread
TV Debate Questions - by Marco Zimmer - 12-02-2019, 05:19 PM
RE: TV Debate Questions - by Recks - 12-03-2019, 02:07 PM
RE: TV Debate Questions - by Alfonso Velez - 12-03-2019, 02:55 PM
RE: TV Debate Questions - by Marco Zimmer - 12-03-2019, 06:54 PM
RE: TV Debate Questions - by Alduria - 12-08-2019, 01:36 PM

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