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Marco Zimmer- Oil Workers Union in Amapola, Valoria
Speech to the Aldurian Oil Workers Union in Amapola, Valoria

*Walks on to stage*

Hello good people of Amapola,

Thank you for letting me speak to you for a bit today. Today I want to speak to you about what we are planning to do for you and how you want us to help you in the future.

Firstly, let’s talk about the privatisation of oil. In this coalition we are with a party who wants semi-privatised oil. But we are going to reject any attempt to privatise the oil industry. We must protect jobs and our economy and public ownership is the way forward. We will protect your jobs and stand up for you.

Also, we have submitted a bill on a minimum wage for all workers in Alduria which will be voted on upon the reopening of Parliament after it temporarily closed. This minimum wage will make sure that your work pays and will increase to become a living wage and will adjust for inflation. Work must pay, and the DSP will make sure it does.

We will also tackle the income inequality in our nation by investing across Alduria to make sure that the whole of the nation has the highest possible opportunities and standard of living. It can’t be a lottery of where you are born. The whole country MUST have the equal opportunity for all citizens.

We will also make more money to invest by taxing the highest earners, earning well above average income and taxing big business with a corporation tax on big business while not having any corporation tax on small business so that local businesses can thrive and prosper.

Any questions or suggestions of what you would want to see from our party?
Marco Zimmer MP
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)
Federico Lopez, oil union organizer in Amapola
Thanks for coming today, Mr. Zimmer. The minimum wage bill is a big victory for workers all over Alduria. Not too long ago, on this subject, you changed your mind on the policy of tax breaks for businesses that pay higher wages. Is that why the idea didn't make it onto the bill that Parliament will consider? What was that all about? Why did you change your mind?

Martha Abingdon, teacher, and wife of an oil worker in Amapola
There were recent reports of a "national education crisis brewing". What will you and your party do to improve the education of our children?

Ismael Faidid, oil worker in Amapola
Can you tell us more about your plan to fight income inequality? The gap between the haves and the have nots keeps growing and we need action. What are some more steps you will take to give workers in Alduria a fair shake in this economy?
Thank You for your questions Federico, we believe that business shouldn’t be rewarded for paying their workers a better wage. They should be required too. It’s like saying ‘Don’t rob someone and we’ll give you this free.’ Additionally. small businesses wouldn’t have to pay corporation tax anyway and large businesses can afford both. There was no reason to do that and after reviewing it, the rest of our party agreed.

Thank You Martha. Our children require the highest quality education, they need it to get the skills so they can have a good life and Alduria benefits when the people benefit. What we will do is set up a proper curriculum in a fully state run school system. We would make sure teachers have the highest standards of training and school facilities are of the highest standard. They are the future, they need a better today to make a brighter tomorrow.

Thanks for the question Ismael, the income inequality situation needs to be seen as a crisis in the country and to tackle it, a DSP majority government would invest in tourism facilities, trade centres, sports facilities, high quality schools and much more. We would make sure that the gap that keeps on growing closes and will fight for all Aldurians, no matter where in the nation they live. Someone in the capital is as important as a farmer. I am no more important than you. We are all equal, let’s make sure everyone has equal rights and equal opportunities to thrive.
Marco Zimmer MP
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)
Martin James, oil worker in Amapola
What will you do to stop companies from breaking their pension promises to workers and retirees? Aldurian law says nothing about companies breaking their pension promises to workers by freezing or terminating their pension plans. Workers should be able to count on receiving their promised pensions for their entire careers. No one should be left in the cold with nothing but a broken promise.

Martha Williams, union organizer and college student
Sir, how do you view countries in Micras that see homosexuality as punishable, as a crime? I am a gay woman working to help organize unions and advance the cause of working people. I was at a protest at the Krasnocorian embassy recently... we trade with them and we're their friend, but they treat their gay people badly... what do you think of this?
Martin, thanks for the question. We must make it law that people receive their pensions they worker their whole life towards. People should not have to live in uncertainty and I will consult the rest of the cabinet to discuss how we can help you and every other worker in the country make sure you get a fair deal at work.

Thank you for the question Martha. Homosexuality is not a choice of the person. It is just what they are. Homosexuals are no different than anyone else. We must preserve LGBTQ rights in Alduria first and then make sure we encourage our friends and neighbours to not treat people differently for something they can’t change. It is disgusting that homosexuality is treated as a crime in some countries and we must be harsh with those countries with such backwards views whilst also making sure that people in need to escape persecution just for their sexuality are able to enter the country. And that’s why we must support the law of graces. Something which can help so many in need. But we also must make sure that these countries with backwards views change their ways and that no person is deemed to have broken the law for something that is not under their control. And distance ourselves from those who do.
Marco Zimmer MP
MP for Valenciana (1678-)
Leader of the DSP (1678-)
Prime Minister of Alduria (1682-)
Former Deputy Prime Minister (1678-1682)

A moment for the Deputy Prime Minister, largely positive, that still left much to be desired.

Your best answer was your answer on how gay people are treated in foreign countries – you staked out a position on the matter and was able to tie that into your views on the Law of Graces. These are always winning issues for you as that’s where the majority of Aldurians are. You are the first politician to comment on the treatment of gay people in other nations, so you take the lead in the messaging around the issue here.

Your original speech and many of your answers are mostly vague and full of platitudes. Your answer on the tax policy u-turn was likely the weakest, it was very stumbly and a bit nonsensical. I understand what you are trying to say, but you need to work on explaining yourself better and clearer.

It’s awkward for you to be speaking about a DSP majority government when you’re in a coalition and you’ve signed up for it willingly – there isn’t an election going on and it implies that you can’t effect change in the coalition. It sounds out of place.

This didn’t do any damage to you, but it’s not really a good speech. The silver lining is that the effort is noted - the oil workers and the DSP base do enjoy hearing you speak on their issues and that keeps them supporting you. Work on being a better and clearer messenger.

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